var Resources ={}; Resources.welcome = "Welcome {0}, How are you?"; Resources.home = "Home"; Resources.privacy = "Privacy"; Resources.products = "Products"; Resources.invoices = "Invoices"; Resources.culture = "Culture"; Resources.PleaseSelectaRequest = "Please Select a Request"; Resources.uiCulture = "UI Culture"; Resources.TIMEIN = "TIME IN"; Resources.NoNewshaveFound = "No News are Found"; Resources.Site = "Site"; Resources.wrongemailorpassword = "wrong email or password"; Resources.NoPendingDecisionsFound = "No Pending Decisions Found"; Resources.Payroll = "Payroll"; Resources.Yes = "Yes"; Resources.DownloadMembership = "Download Membership"; Resources.TimeIn = "Time In"; Resources.NewWelfareRequests = "New Welfare Request"; Resources.TimeOut = "Time Out"; Resources.UserNotFound = "User Not Found"; Resources.BankNameArReqired = "Bank Name is Reqired"; Resources.Typearemark = "Type a Remark"; Resources.BankNameEngRequired = "Bank Name English is Required"; Resources.Allowyouto = "Allow you to"; Resources.LoginEmailHint = "Email or"; Resources.IbanNumberRequired = "Iban Number is Required"; Resources.Attendance = "Attendance"; Resources.ConfirmIbanNotMatch = "Confirm Iban not Match"; Resources.ConfirmCloseBy = "Confirmed Closing By"; Resources.CommentHistory = "Comments History"; Resources.KeepOpen = "Keep Open"; Resources.Transfer = "Transfer"; Resources.IbanFile = "Iban File "; Resources.BankNameAr = "Bank Name (Arabic)"; Resources.BankDetailSection = "Bank Detail Section"; Resources.EmployeeBankDetail = "Employee Bank Detail"; Resources.Open = "Open"; Resources.noValidIban = "This is not valid iban"; Resources.BankNameEng = "Bank Name (English)"; Resources.IbanNumber = "Iban Number"; Resources.ConfirmClose = "Confirm Close"; Resources.ConfirmIbanNumber = "Confirm Iban Number"; Resources.forCurrentContractPeriod = "for Current Contract Period"; Resources.Late = "Late"; Resources.Early = "Early"; Resources.Annual = "Annual"; Resources.PendingWelfareRequests = "Pending Welfare Requests"; Resources.Sick = "Sick"; Resources.ExitInterviewList = "Exit Interview List"; Resources.RequestCommetedSuccessfully = "Request Commeted Successfully"; Resources.Body = "Description"; Resources.Selectadate = "Select a date"; Resources.Date = "Date"; Resources.Presenttitle = "Still Working"; Resources.RecordUpdatedSuccessfully = "Record Updated Successfully"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareRequest = "Employee Welfare Request"; Resources.WelfareRequestList = "Employee Requests"; Resources.WelfareRequest = "Employee Welfare "; Resources.WelfareRequestDetails = "Welfare Request Details"; Resources.CreateWelfareRequest = "Create Welfare Request"; Resources.No = "No"; Resources.SortBy = "Sort By"; Resources.CloseComments = "Close Comments"; Resources.CorrespondentStatus = "Correspondent Status"; Resources.CorrespondentsAdded = "Correspondents Added"; Resources.approvalsadded = "Approvals Added"; Resources.RequestApprovalStatus = "Request Approval Status"; Resources.Approve = "Approve"; Resources.RequestDateDecs = "Request Date Descending"; Resources.RequestDateAsc = "Request Date Ascending"; Resources.Requester = "Employee No "; Resources.CommentSection = "Comments And Updates"; Resources.Comments = "Comments"; Resources.RequestCorrspondantsStatus = "Request Status"; Resources.Post = "Post"; Resources.OpenWelfareRequest = "Open Welfare Request"; Resources.RecordApprovedSuccessfully = "Record Approved Successfully"; Resources.RecordRejectedSuccessfully = "Record Rejected Successfully"; Resources.Reject = "Reject"; Resources.WelfareRequests = "Welfare Requests"; Resources.Remarks = "Remarks"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareSetup = "Employee Welfare Setup"; Resources.NoDataFound = "No Data Found"; Resources.IsAttestationRequired = "Is Attestation Required"; Resources.Subject = "Subject"; Resources.CreateNew = "Create New"; Resources.EmployeeWelfare = "Employee Welfare"; Resources.Save = "Save"; Resources.IsGovAttestationRequired = "Is Gov Attestation Required"; Resources.EditSubCategory = "Edit Sub Category"; Resources.SubCategory = "Sub Category"; Resources.AssignWelfareSubCategoryApprovals = "SubCategory Approvals"; Resources.True = "True"; Resources.WelfareSubCategory = "Welfare Sub Category"; Resources.RecordEditedSuccessfully = "Record Edited Successfully"; Resources.ApprovalSequence = "Approval Sequence"; Resources.AssignApprovals = "Assign Approvals"; Resources.AssignAttachments = "Assign Attachments"; Resources.SubCategoryAttachmentName = "Attachment Name Arabic"; Resources.False = "False"; Resources.DeleteSubCategory = "Delete Sub Category"; Resources.ViewSubCategory = "View Sub Category"; Resources.IsMandatory = "Is Mandatory"; Resources.WelfareSubCategoryAttachments = "Attachments"; Resources.CategoryAttachmentNameEng = "Attachment Name Eng"; Resources.Attachments = "Attachments"; Resources.QuickActions = "Quick Actions"; Resources.NoSubCategoryFound = "No Welfare Sub Category Found"; Resources.HelpDeskCategoryNameEng = "Category Name Eng"; Resources.HelpDeskCategoryName = "Category Name"; Resources.SubCategoryAttachment = "SubCategory Attachment"; Resources.AssignWelfareSubCategoryAttachments = "SubCategory Attachments"; Resources.HelpDeskCategoryDescription = "Description"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareSubCategoryNameEng = "Welfare Sub Category - English"; Resources.HelpdeskCategoryTitle = "Welfare Settings"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareSubCategoryName = "Welfare Sub Category"; Resources.Approvals = "Approvals"; Resources.IsMultiApproval = "Multi Approval "; Resources.Correspondent = "Correspondents"; Resources.New = "New"; Resources.SubCategoryAttachmentRequired = "SubCategory Attachment is Required"; Resources.Correspondents = "Correspondents"; Resources.CorrespondentsRequired = "Correspondents are Required"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareSubCategoryTitle = "Employee Welfare Sub Category"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareSubCategory = "Employee Welfare Sub Category"; Resources.CategorySubCategory = "Setup Category"; Resources.HelpdeskCategoryInstruction = "Clicking the new Category button allows you to add a new category,assign an admin to it and make it active. "; Resources.EmployeeWelfareSubCategoryInstruction = "Clicking the new Sub Category button allows you to add a new sub-category,assign approvals,make it active and assign respodents to it."; Resources.NewCategory = "New Category"; Resources.NewSubCategory = "New Sub Category"; Resources.BrowseHelpdeskCategories = "Browse Employee Welfare Categories"; Resources.ShowDetails = "Show Details"; Resources.BrowseWelfareSubCategories = "Browse Welfare Sub Categories"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareCategoryName = "Category name"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareCategoryNameEngRequired = "Category Name - English is Required"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareCategoryNameEng = "Category Name - Eng"; Resources.IsActive = "Is Active"; Resources.ResignationType = "Resignation Type"; Resources.ResignationSubType = "Resignation Sub Type"; Resources.BREAKFROM = "BREAKF ROM"; Resources.BREAKTO = "BREAK TO"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareCategoryDescription = "Description"; Resources.AdminsRequired = "Admins are Required"; Resources.Category = "Category"; Resources.HelpdeskCategory = "Employee Welfare Category"; Resources.DesiredResignDate = "Desired Resign Date"; Resources.TIMEOUT = "TIME OUT"; Resources.AssignAdmin = "Assign Admins"; Resources.InvalidLocationChangeRequest = "This Record has a Transaction "; Resources.CostCenter = "Cost Center"; Resources.CostCenterRequired = "Cost Center is Required"; Resources.LRD = "LCRD"; Resources.LocationChangeRequestDetail = "Location Change Request Detail"; Resources.LocationChangeRequest = "Location Change Request"; Resources.LCR = "LCR"; Resources.ResignationCanceledSuccessfully = "Resignation Canceled Successfully"; Resources.LastWorkingDate = "Last Working Date"; Resources.ViewLeaveResignation = "View Resignation"; Resources.CancelResignation = "Cancel Resignation"; Resources.ResignationTypeSub = "Resignation Type Sub"; Resources.ExitInterviewQuestionOptionRequired = "Exit Interview Question Option is Required"; Resources.YouHaveResignationAlready = "You have already Resigned"; Resources.ResginationLetterFileRequired = "Resgination Letter File is Required"; Resources.ExitInterviewQuestionRequired = "Exit Interview Question is Required"; Resources.ExitInterviewQuestionOption = "Exit Interview Question Option is Required"; Resources.ResginationLetterFileRequiredRequired = "Resgination File is Required"; Resources.DesiredResignDateRequired = "Desired Resign Date is Required"; Resources.remark = "Remark"; Resources.ResignationSubTypeReqired = "Resignation Sub Type is Reqired"; Resources.ReasonReqired = "Reason is Reqired"; Resources.ResignationTypeReqired = "Resignation Type Reqired"; Resources.ExitInterview = "Exit Interview"; Resources.Resignation = "Resignation"; Resources.ResignationRequest = "Resignation Request"; Resources.EmployeeResignation = "Employee Resignation"; Resources.LeveCategory = "Leve Category"; Resources.LeaveApplyDate = "Applied Date"; Resources.LeaveApplicationDetails = "Leave Application Details"; Resources.ViewRequestLeave = "View Leave request"; Resources.ConsumedLeaves = "Consumed Leaves"; Resources.InValidLeaves = "Please Add Leaves to Leaves Grid."; Resources.ClearAll = "Clear All"; Resources.InvalidLeaveDate = "Invalid leave date please check the leaves dates and try again. "; Resources.StartDateIsGreaterThanEndDate = "Start date is less than end date "; Resources.LeaveDocumentRequired = "Leave document is required"; Resources.ValidateDocument = "Please Upload Valid Document"; Resources.StartDateIsRequired = "Start Date is Required"; Resources.LeaveCategoryIsRequired = "Leave Category is Required"; Resources.FromDateIsRequired = "From Date is Required"; Resources.ToDateIsRequired = "To Date is Required"; Resources.Days = "Days"; Resources.ActualNoOfDays = "Actual Numbers of Days"; Resources.LeaveTypeIsRequired = "Leave Type is Required"; Resources.NWH = "NWH"; Resources.DATE = "DATE"; Resources.CurrentPayroll = "Current Payroll"; Resources.NormalWorkHours = " Normal Work Hours"; Resources.ExtraWorkHours = "Extra Work Hours"; Resources.EnterBy = "Entere By"; Resources.Status = "Status"; Resources.STATUS = "STATUS"; Resources.Enterdby = "Enterd by"; Resources.notAuthorityTransactionFound = "No Authority Transaction Found "; Resources.EmployeeName = "Employee Name"; Resources.ContactDetail = "Contact Detail"; Resources.CancelLeaveApplication = "Cancel Request"; Resources.ViewLeaveApplication = "View Details"; Resources.ContactInformationIsRequired = "Contact Information is Required"; Resources.OT = "OT"; Resources.FromDate = "From Date"; Resources.ToDate = "To Date"; Resources.NoOfFridays = "No of Fridays"; Resources.Add = "Add"; Resources.Ok = "Ok"; Resources.ApplyOn = "Apply On"; Resources.LeavetypeAlreadySelected = "Please select another leave type"; Resources.RD = "RD"; Resources.RequestDetail = "Request Detail"; Resources.AttendanceDetails = "Attendance Details "; Resources.AttendanceDate = "Attendance Date"; Resources.ExceptionTypeName = "Exception Type Name"; Resources.TotalWorkHours = "Total Work Hours"; Resources.AttendanceExceptionTypeName = "Attendance Exception Type Name"; = "Date"; Resources.GO = "GO"; Resources.LeaveTypeName = "Leave Type Name"; Resources.TransactionDate = "Transaction Date"; Resources.LeaveCategoryName = "Leave Category Name"; Resources.PassportExpiryDate = "Passport Expiry Date"; Resources.SuccessorContactDetail = "Successor Contact Detail"; Resources.LeaveCertificateFile = "Leave Certificate File"; Resources.AttendanceExceptionRequest = "Attendance Exception Request"; Resources.AUTHORITY = "Approval"; Resources.LocationChangeRequestDetails = "Location Change Request Details"; Resources.LineManager = "Line Manager"; Resources.PendingDecisions = "Pending Decisions"; Resources.FieldRequired = "Field is required"; Resources.WorkHours = "Work Hours"; Resources.DeductedHours = "Deducted Hours"; Resources.PreviousAdjustedHours = "Previous Adjusted Hours"; Resources.Tasks = "Tasks"; Resources.TotalEarned = "Total Earned"; Resources.ApprovedOvertime = " Approved Overtime"; Resources.ApprovalSection = " Approval Section"; Resources.ApprovedWorkHours = "Approved Work Hours"; Resources.SiteName = "Site Name"; Resources.SITENAME = "SITE "; Resources.Approval = "Approval"; Resources.Absent = "Absent"; Resources.Holiday = "Holiday"; Resources.ChangeRequestDetails = "Change Request Details"; Resources.CRD = "CRD"; Resources.APWH = "AP-WH"; Resources.Leave = "Leave"; Resources.ChangeRequest = "Change Request"; Resources.CR = "CR"; Resources.currency = "Currency"; Resources.numbers = "Numbers"; Resources.Schedule = " Schedule"; Resources.create = "Create"; = "Save"; Resources.Actual = "Actual"; Resources.ForDate = "For Date"; Resources.EmplyeeCertificate = "Emplyee Certificate"; Resources.EmployeeSkill = "Employee Skill"; Resources.Present = "Present"; Resources.Show = "Show"; Resources.DegreeFile = "Degree File"; Resources.EducationDocument = "Education Document"; Resources.PesonalDetail = "Pesonal Detail"; Resources.CompanyDetails = "Company Detail"; Resources.PesonalSection = "Pesonal Section"; Resources.MainDetails = "Main Details"; Resources.EducationsRecord = "Education Record"; Resources.ForgotPassword = "Forgot Password ?"; Resources.ForgetPassportNotification = "Enter your email to reset your password."; = "Name"; Resources.Name = "Name"; Resources.RequiredSection = "Requied Section"; Resources.required = "Required field"; Resources.nofound = "No data found"; = "Item code "; Resources.nameAr = "الاسم"; Resources.nameEn = "name"; Resources.price = "Price"; Resources.salePrice = "Sale Price"; Resources.vat = "vat"; Resources.qty = "Quantity"; Resources.delete = "Delete"; Resources.edit = "Edit"; Resources.details = "Details"; Resources.PleaseWait = "Please Wait"; Resources.SignIn = "Sign In"; Resources.Password = "Password"; Resources.UserName = "User Name"; Resources.UserNameRequired = "User Name Is Required"; Resources.PasswordRequired = "Password is Required"; Resources.Profile = "Profile"; Resources.ProfileDetails = "Profile Details"; Resources.PhoneCell = "Phone Cell"; Resources.EmployeeId = "Employee Id"; Resources.LeaveBalance = "Leave Balance"; Resources.PersonalInformation = "Personal Information"; Resources.FullName = " Full Name"; Resources.OrganizationUnitName = "Organization Unit"; Resources.ODManager = "OD Manager"; Resources.CancelRequest = "Cancel Request"; Resources.HR = "HR"; Resources.EmployeeInformationCompleation = "Progress Completed"; Resources.GovtId = "Govt Id"; Resources.IqamaSponsor = "Sponsor"; Resources.ViewCategory = "View Category"; Resources.PhoneEmergency = "Phone Emergency"; Resources.OrganizationUnitHead = "Organization Unit Head"; Resources.DateOfBirth = "Date Of Birth"; Resources.EmployeePassportNo = "Passport No"; Resources.TotalAdmins = "Total Admins"; Resources.Admins = "Admins"; Resources.WelfareCategory = "Welfare Category"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareSubCategoryNameEngRequired = "Welfare Sub Category Name Eng is Required"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareCategory = "Category"; Resources.EmployeePassportExpiryDate = "Passport Expiry Date"; Resources.Nationality = "Nationality"; Resources.AttendanceScheduleName = "Attendance Schedule "; Resources.IsManager = "Is Manager"; Resources.ManagerId = "Manager Id"; Resources.DeleteCategory = "Delete Category"; Resources.SetHelpdeskCategory = " Wefare Category"; Resources.ManagerName = "Manager Name"; Resources.UpdateCategory = "Update Category"; Resources.ManagerEmailAddress = "Manager Email Address"; Resources.IqamaExpiry = "Iqama Expiry"; Resources.HiringDate = "Hiring Date"; Resources.Clear = "Clear"; Resources.Address = "Address Details"; Resources.SaveChanges = "Submit"; Resources.Submit = "Submit"; Resources.Apps = "Apps"; Resources.PersonalEmail = "Personal Email"; Resources.PersonalPhone = "Mobile Phone"; Resources.LocalAddress = "Local Address"; Resources.NationalAddress = "National Address"; Resources.ShirtsSize = "Shirts Size"; Resources.ShoesSize = "Shoes Size"; Resources.OtherDetails = "Other Details"; Resources.PermanentAddress = "Permanent Address"; Resources.PersonalEmailRequired = "Personal Email is Required "; Resources.PersonalPhoneRequired = "Mobile Number is Required"; Resources.LocalAddressRequired = "Local Address is Required"; Resources.NationalAddressRequired = "National Address is Required"; Resources.ShirtsSizeRequired = "Shirt Size is Required"; Resources.ShoesSizeRequired = "Shoes Size is Required"; Resources.PermanentAddressRequired = "Permanent Address is Required"; Resources.PersonalEmailVaildation = "Please Enter a Valid Email"; Resources.PhoneVaildation = "Please Enter Valid Phone Number"; Resources.ValidShirtsSize = "Please Enter a Valid Sirt Size"; Resources.ValidShoesSize = "Please Enter a Valid Shose Size"; Resources.NationalAdressFile = "National Adress Document"; Resources.PassportSection = "Passport Section"; Resources.PassportFile = "Passport File"; Resources.EmployeeContacts = "Contacts"; Resources.Admin = "Admin"; Resources.RowNotFount = "No rows has been found"; Resources.Serial = "No."; Resources.S = "#"; Resources.Thepasswordisrequired = "The password is required"; Resources.Theconfirmationpasswordisrequired = "The password confirmation is required "; Resources.RelationshipType = "Relationship Type"; Resources.ContactNumber = "Contact Number"; Resources.AddNew = "Add New "; Resources.PasswordNotMatch = "The password and its confirm are not the same"; Resources.ResetPasswordErrorMessage = "Sorry, looks like there are some errors detected, please try again"; Resources.PassportSuccessNotification = "You have successfully reset your password"; Resources.PassportResetIssueNotification = "Sorry, looks like there are some errors detected, please try again."; Resources.LeaveList = "Leave List"; Resources.ConfirmNewPassword = "Confirm New Password"; Resources.PasswordResetSuccessfully = "Password Reset Successfully"; Resources.Alreadyamember = "Already a member ?"; Resources.NewPassword = "New Password"; Resources.ResetUserPassword = "Reset User Password"; Resources.ContactPersonName = "Name"; Resources.SecoundNumber = "Other Contact Number"; Resources.AddUpdateContact = "Add / Edit Record"; Resources.Close = "Close"; Resources.EmployeeEducations = "Education"; Resources.CourseName = "Degree Name"; Resources.InstituteName = "Institute Name"; Resources.Country = "Country"; Resources.File = "File"; Resources.AddUpdateEducation = "Add / Edit Education"; Resources.EducationLevel = "Education Level"; Resources.GraduationDate = "Graduation Date"; Resources.EmployeeExperiences = "Experience"; Resources.AddUpdateExperience = "Add / Edit Experience"; Resources.Specialities = "Specialities"; Resources.PositionHeld = "Position Held"; Resources.CountryCode = "Country Code"; Resources.CompanyName = "Company Name"; Resources.EmployeeExperience = "Employee Experience"; Resources.EmployeeSkills = "Skills"; Resources.YearsOfExperience = "Years of Experience"; Resources.Rating = "Rating"; Resources.Level = "Level"; Resources.Skill = "Skill"; Resources.ResetPassword = "Reset Password"; Resources.AddUpdateSkills = "Add / Edit Skills"; Resources.EmployeeCertifications = "Certifications"; Resources.AddUpdateCertificate = "Add / Edit Certificate"; Resources.CertificateName = "Certificate Name"; Resources.Description = "Description"; Resources.LeaveType = "Leave Type"; Resources.StartDate = "Start Date"; Resources.LeaveCategory = "Leave Category"; Resources.Resignations = "Resignations"; Resources.YouExceedChangeRequestLimit = "You Exceed Change Request Limit"; Resources.EndDate = "End Date"; Resources.NoOfDays = "No of Days"; Resources.LeaveRequest = "Leave Request"; Resources.RequestLeave = "Request Leave"; Resources.EmployeeProfile = "Employee Profile"; Resources.ContactInfo = "Contact Info"; Resources.UploadDocument = "Upload Document"; Resources.Apply = "Apply"; Resources.Employee = "Employee"; Resources.Cancel = "Cancel"; Resources.AddLeave = "Add Leave"; Resources.AllowedFiles = "Allowed .pdf,.png,.jpg"; Resources.DashboardProfile = "Dashboard"; Resources.TransferRequests = "Transfer Requests"; Resources.MyAttendance = "Attendance"; Resources.AttendanceCategoryReport = "Attendance Category Report"; Resources.MyTravelRequests = "My Travel Requests"; Resources.MyPayroll = "My Payroll"; Resources.ExceptionWorkHours = "Exception Work Hours"; Resources.Logout = "Logout"; Resources.MyLeaveApplication = "Leaves"; Resources.LeaveApplication = "Leave Application"; Resources.MyProfile = "Profile"; Resources.Projects = "Projects"; Resources.About = "About Us"; Resources.ContactUs = "Contact Us"; Resources.RockSolidGroup = "Rock Solid Group"; Resources.EmployeeEducation = "Employee Education"; Resources.RecordSavedSuccessfully = "Record Saved Successfully"; Resources.BadRequest = "Bad request please contact the system admin"; Resources.DownloadPassportCopy = "Download Passport Copy"; Resources.UploadFile = "Upload Document"; Resources.Download = "Download"; Resources.CancelFile = "Cancel Document"; Resources.ClearFileUpload = "Clear Document"; Resources.PassportFileRequird = "Passport File is requird"; Resources.PassportDocumentCopyNotuploaded = "Passport document is not uploaded yet"; Resources.WrongEmployeeId = "You are passing wrong employee Id "; Resources.PageNotFound = "We can\u0027t find that page."; Resources.ReturnHome = "Return Home"; Resources.Administrations = "Administrations"; Resources.Oops = "Oops!"; Resources.SystemError = "System Error"; Resources.Somethingwentwrong = "Something went wrong! Please try again later."; Resources.AccessDenied = "Sorry.But you don not have a permission to access this page "; Resources.ChangePassword = "Change Password"; Resources.SignOut = "Sign Out"; Resources.UserPermistions = "User Permistions"; Resources.RolePermistions = "Role Permistions"; Resources.RolesManagement = "Roles Management"; Resources.BadRequestTitle = "Bad Request"; Resources.ThereWasProplemWithYourRequest = "There was a proplem with your request"; Resources.SomethingWentWrong = "Something Went Wrong"; Resources.Administration = "Administration"; Resources.PersonalEmailValidation = "Please Type a Valid Email"; Resources.PersonalEmailDataTypeVaildation = "This email is not valid email address "; Resources.PersonalPhoneDataTypeVaildation = "Please type a valid phone number 966*********"; Resources.Notavalidphonenumber = "Not a valid phone number"; Resources.DownloadNationalAddressCopy = "Download National Address Copy"; Resources.NationalAdressAllowedFiles = "Allowed file types: pdf."; Resources.NationalAddressDocumentCopyNotuploaded = "National address document copy not uploaded yet"; Resources.SelectOption = "Select an Option"; Resources.NationalAddressFilePathRequired = "National address document is required"; Resources.OnlyPdfAllowed = "The selected file is not valid please upload pdf only"; Resources.InvalidShoseSize = "Invalid Shose Size"; Resources.Options = "Options"; Resources.Update = "Update"; Resources.Delete = "Delete"; Resources.RecordDeletedSuccessfully = "Record Deleted Successfully"; Resources.ExperienceAllowedFiles = "Pdf file allowed only"; Resources.DownloadExperienceCopy = "Download document"; Resources.ExperienceFile = "Experience File"; Resources.MyApplicationLeave = "Leave"; Resources.ExperienceCertificateFilePathIsRequired = "Experience document copy is required"; Resources.DownloadDocument = "Download"; Resources.Document = "Document"; Resources.AllowedFilespdfjpg = "Please upload only pdf,jpg,jpeg only"; Resources.DownloadRequiredDocument = "Download Document"; Resources.EducationCertificateFilePathIsRequired = "Education certificate is required"; Resources.EducationAllowedFiles = "Pdf file allowed only"; Resources.DownloadEducationCopy = "Download document"; Resources.DownloadCertificate = "Download document"; Resources.CertificateFile = "Certificate File"; Resources.ContactPersonNameRequired = "Contact person name is required"; Resources.ContactNumberRequired = "Contact number is required"; Resources.SecoundNumberRequired = "Secound number is required"; Resources.CompanyNameRequired = "Company name is required"; Resources.CountryRequired = "Country is required"; Resources.CountryCodeRequired = "Country code is required"; Resources.PositionHeldRequired = "Position held is required"; Resources.FromDateRequired = "From date is required"; Resources.SpecialitiesRequired = "Specialities is required"; Resources.CourseNameRequired = "Degree name is required"; Resources.InstituteNameRequired = "Institute name is required"; Resources.GraduationDateRequired = "Graduation date is required"; Resources.EducationLevelRequired = "Education level is required"; Resources.YearsOfExperienceRequired = "Years of experience is required"; Resources.RatingRequired = "Rating is required"; Resources.NumberOnly = "This field accept only digits"; Resources.SkillRequired = "Skill is required"; Resources.CertificateNameRequired = "Certificate name is required"; Resources.StartDateRequired = "Start date is required"; Resources.HrInformationSystem = "HR Information System"; Resources.ORGCart = "ORG Cart"; Resources.SaleHub = "Sale Hub"; Resources.SCMStITLE = "SCMS"; Resources.IsPaid = "Is Paid"; Resources.DownLoad = "DownLoad"; Resources.LeaveCanceledSuccessfully = "Your leave request has been canceled successfully ."; Resources.Reports = "Reports"; Resources.AccounttITLE = "Account"; Resources.Authorization = "Authorization"; Resources.ApplicationWorkflow = "Application Workflow"; Resources.ServiceDesktITLE = "Service desk"; Resources.ExceptionType = "Exception Type"; Resources.NoOfHours = "No Of Hours"; Resources.Reason = "Reason"; Resources.ReasonRequired = "Reason is required"; Resources.Select = "Select"; Resources.ShortWorkHours = "Short Work Hours"; Resources.MissingPunch = "Missing Punch"; Resources.IsProjectManagerRequired = "Project Manager Required"; Resources.IsLineManagerRequired = "Line Manager Required"; Resources.RequestStatusChangedTo = "Request Status Changed To"; Resources.Pending = "Pending"; Resources.Reviewing = "Reviewing"; Resources.Transfered = "Transfered"; Resources.Closed = "Closed"; Resources.Hold = "Hold"; Resources.ReOpen = "ReOpen"; Resources.Confirmed = "Confirmed"; Resources.Employeewelfarerequestdetails = "Employee welfare request details :"; Resources.Addedat = "Added at"; = "by"; Resources.RequestApprovalDate = "Request Approval Date"; Resources.TransferWelferRequest = "Transfer Welfer Request"; Resources.Nowelfarerequesthasbeenfound = "No welfare request has been found"; Resources.Badrequest = "Bad Request"; Resources.CanNotTransferToSameSubCategory = "Can not transfer welfare request to same sub category"; Resources.RecordTransferSuccessfully = "Record Transfered Successfully"; Resources.Approved = "Approved"; Resources.attachmentsadded = "attachments added"; Resources.confirmclosethecurrent = "confirm close the current"; Resources.closethecurrent = "close the current"; Resources.request = "request"; Resources.Keepthecurrent = "Keep the current"; Resources.requestopen = "request open"; Resources.ThisRequest = "This Request"; Resources.hasbeen = "has been"; Resources.closedandconfirmed = "Closed and Confirmed"; Resources.isplacedfor = "is placed for"; Resources.closeconfirmation = "close confirmation"; Resources.or = "or"; Resources.reopen = "reopen"; Resources.On = "On"; Resources.PleaseSelectLeaveType = "Please Select Leave Type"; Resources.NumberOfDayExccededMaxDays = "Number Of Day Excede Max Days"; Resources.NumberOfDaysExccedeLeaveBalance = "Number Of Days Excede Leave Balance"; Resources.Pleaseselectcategory = "Please select a category"; Resources.PleaseselectSubCategoryId = "Please select a sub category"; Resources.Pleaseenterreason = "Please enter reason"; Resources.Areyousure = "Are you sure ?"; Resources.Noreturn = "No,return"; Resources.Yourformhasbeencancelled = "Your form has been cancelled"; Resources.PleaseEnterEmployeeWelfareCategoryNameEng = "Please Enter Employee Welfare Category Name English"; Resources.PleaseSelectatleastoneadminfromthelist = "Please Select at least one admin from the list"; Resources.Areyousureyouwouldliketocancel = "Areyou sure you would like to cancel"; Resources.YesCancelit = "Yes cancel it"; Resources.Selectastate = "Select a state"; Resources.YesDeleteit = "Yes Delete it"; Resources.PleaseSelectWelfareCategory = "Please Select Welfare Category"; Resources.PleaseSelectatleastoneCorrespondent = "Please Select at least one correspondent"; Resources.Pleaseselectemployeefromthelist = "Please select employee from the list"; Resources.Pleaseenterthesequence = "Please enter the sequence"; Resources.Thevelueisnotavaliddigits = "The velue is not avalid digits"; Resources.PleaseenterattachmentenglishName = "Please enter attachmentent lishName"; Resources.Pleaseenterattachmentnamarabic = "Please enter attachment namararbic"; Resources.PleaseenterSubject = "Please enter subject"; Resources.PleaseenterBody = "Please enter body content"; Resources.Specifyawelfarecategoryforusingitincurrentrequest = "Specify a welfare category for using it in current request"; Resources.Specifyawelfaresubcategoryforusingitincurrentrequest = "Specify a welfare sub category for using it in current request"; Resources.Specifyasubjectforusingitincurrentrequest = "Specify a subject to use it in current request"; Resources.EnterSubject = "Enter Subject"; Resources.Specifydescriptionsforusingitincurrentrequest = "Specify description to use it in current request"; Resources.Specifycurrentrecordetobeactiveornot = "Specify current record to be active or not"; Resources.UseToSetupweatherthecurrentsubcategoryneedsGovAttestaionOrnot = "Use To setup weather the current subcategory needs gov attestaion or not"; Resources.ApprovalSection = "Approval Section"; Resources.SpecifyaCategorynameforfutureusageandreference = "Specify a category name for future usage and reference"; Resources.SpecifyaCategorynameEnglishforfutureusageandreference = "Specify a category english name for future usage and reference"; Resources.Allowcurrentrecordtobeactiveornot = "Allow current record to be active or not"; Resources.SpecifyaDescriptionforfutureusageandreference = "Specify a description for future usage and reference"; Resources.Employeenotfoundpleasecontactwithadmin = "Employee not found please contact with system admin"; Resources.Specifyadminsforfutureusageandreference = "Specify admins for future usage and reference"; Resources.Allowcurrentrecordtobe = "Allow current record to be"; Resources.Linemanagerornot = "Line manager or not"; Resources.Projectmanagerornot = "Project manager or not"; Resources.SpecifyaSubCategorynameforfutureusageandreference = "Specify a Sub category name for future usage and reference"; Resources.SpecifyaSubCategoryEnglishnameforfutureusageandreference = "Specify a sub category english name for future usage and reference"; Resources.SpecifyRemarksforusingitinapprovingthecurrentrequest = "Specify remarks for using it in approving the current request"; Resources.TypeRemarks = "Type Remarks"; Resources.SpecifyCommentsforusingitincorrespondenttothecurrentrequest = "Specify comments for using for the current request"; Resources.DesiredResignDateisrequired = "Desired resign date is required"; Resources.Pleaseresignationsubtypeisrequired = "Please resignation sub type is required"; Resources.EndDateIsRequired = "End Date Is Required"; Resources.Pleaseleavestartdatehastobelessthanleaveenddate = "Select correct leave end date."; Resources.Pleaseaddleaves = "Pleas add leaves"; Resources.Invalidleavedate = "Invalid leave date please check the selected date and try again."; Resources.ClearLeaveNotification = "Please delete the selected leave from last to first or you can clear leave list by clicking Clear All button"; Resources.AttendanceExceptionTypeIsRequired = "Please select the exception type"; Resources.MissingHoursRequired = "Please enter missing hours."; Resources.Enterdmissinghoursnotvalid = "Please enter valid missing hours ."; Resources.Invalidjustification = "Please enter a justifications."; Resources.AttendanceExceptionRequired = "Please select an expection."; Resources.InvalidUserName = "Please enter user name"; Resources.InvalidPassword = "Please enter a passowrd"; Resources.InavlidPersonalEmail = "Please enter a valid email"; Resources.Email = "Email"; Resources.LessWorkHours = "Less Work Hours"; Resources.HourOverTime = "H-OverTime"; Resources.HourDeduction = "H-Deduction"; Resources.EmailRequired = "Email address is required."; Resources.NotVaildEmail = "The value is not a valid email address"; Resources.Invalidigits = "Please enter a valid digit number"; Resources.Invalidphonenumber = "please enter a valid phone number"; Resources.Localaddressisrequired = "Please enter the address"; Resources.ShirtsSizeIsRequired = "Please enter shirt size."; Resources.ShoesSizeIsRequired = "Please enter shoes size"; Resources.InvalidShoesSize = "Please enter a valid shoes size"; Resources.PermanentAddressisrequired = "please enter the address"; Resources.InvaidpdfFile = "Please Upload only pdf files "; Resources.PassportExpiryDateRequired = "Please select passport expiry date "; Resources.EmployeePassportRequired = "Please enter the passport no."; Resources.MinimumonecharactersValidation = "Minimum one characters is required"; Resources.RatingIsRequired = "Please enter a rating."; Resources.SkillIsRequired = "Please enter a skill."; Resources.LevelIsRequired = "Please enter a Level."; Resources.CompanyNameIsRequired = "Please enter company name."; Resources.CountryCodeIsRequired = "Please enter country code"; Resources.Countryisrequired = "Please selects a country"; Resources.PositionHeldIsRequired = "Please enter Position Held"; Resources.Specialitiesarerequired = "Please enter Speciality"; Resources.CourseNameIsRequired = "Please Enter Degree Name"; Resources.InstituteNameIsRequired = "Please enter institute name"; Resources.Graduationdateisrequired = "Please enter graduation date."; Resources.Employeerelationshiprequired = "Please enter relationship."; Resources.ContactPersonNameIsRequired = "Please enter person name."; Resources.ContactNumberisrequired = "Please enter contact number"; Resources.CertificateNameIsrequired = "Please Enter Certificate Name "; Resources.Cancelled = "Cancelled"; Resources.Okgotit = "Ok got it"; Resources.Multipleleave = "Multiple leave"; Resources.Applymultiple = "Apply multiple"; Resources.Pleasechoose = "Please choose"; Resources.Multipleleavecheckbox = " multiple leave check box "; Resources.incaseyouareapplyingformultipleleaves = "in case you are applying for multiple leaves"; Resources.EmployeeAttendanceList = "Employee Attendance List"; Resources.EmployeeAttendance = "Employee Attendance"; Resources.Attendance = "Attendance"; Resources.APO = "AP-O"; Resources.EXCEPTIONS = "EXCEPTIONS"; Resources.ExceptionDetails = "Exception Details"; Resources.Wait = "Wait"; Resources.YourrequestuderAuthority = "Authority is under progress "; Resources.Question = "Question"; Resources.Answer = "Answer"; Resources.CancelMyLeaveBadRequest = "CancelMyLeave : BadRequest"; Resources.ApplyLeaveRestrictionValidation = "You can apply resignation only max 3 months before the last working day"; Resources.CancelResignationBadRequest = "Cancel resignation bad request"; Resources.Option = "Option"; Resources.Beginner = "Beginner"; Resources.Intermediate = "Intermediate"; Resources.Advanced = "Advanced"; Resources.Expert = "Expert"; Resources.Master = "Master"; Resources.ErrorNoAppsDatawasprovieded = "Error: No Apps Data are Provieded"; Resources.HRISDES = "Automating all the human resources functions"; Resources.SalesHubDES = "Functions to manage and automate sales processes"; Resources.SCMSDES = "Managing and automating the procurement \u0026 supply chain processes"; Resources.AccountDES = "Accounts Management"; Resources.WorkflowsDES = "Workflows definitions and management"; Resources.RSGServiceDeskDES = "RSG Service Desk"; Resources.ServiceDeskDES = "RSG Service Desk"; Resources.HRIS = "HRIS"; Resources.SalesHub = "Sales Hub"; Resources.SCMS = "SCMS"; Resources.StayHere = "Stay Here"; Resources.GoBack = "Go Back"; Resources.TheOldpasswordisrequired = "The old password is required"; Resources.Thenewpasswordisrequired = "The new password is required"; Resources.OldPassword = "Old Password"; Resources.ResetPassportNotification = "New Password and Confirm New Password are requierd ."; Resources.Account = "Account"; Resources.ServiceDesk = "Service Desk"; Resources.Workflows = "Work Flows"; Resources.RSGServiceDesk = "Service Desk"; Resources.ErrorCreatingUser = "Error Creating User"; Resources.ErrorOnAuthorized = "ErrorOnAuthorized :"; Resources.DocumentIdNotFound = "Document Id Not Found"; Resources.RockSolidGroupRSG = "Rock Solid Group RSG"; Resources.RockSolidGroupRSGCopyRight = "Rock Solid Group - All Rights Reserved."; Resources.StillStudy = "Still Study"; Resources.AllowedPdfAndImage = "Allowed Pdf and Image(JPG)"; Resources.LeaveSettingIssue = "No leave setting provided for current tenant please call system admin"; Resources.LeaveabilityDaysValidation = "You cannot apply more days than available balance"; Resources.leaveTypeIdis = "leave type Id is"; Resources.maxDaysFromNowToApply = "Leave request can only be applied maximum 60 days prior to leave start date"; Resources.maxDaysBetweenStartAndEndDateToApply = "More than 60 days are not allowed"; Resources.isLeaveExist = "Similar leave type is already pending"; Resources.IqamaValidation = "Your iqama expiry is less than"; Resources.SameLeaveApplay = "You have another leave application with similar dates"; Resources.IqmaDayExpiration = "days of your leave end date leave type"; Resources.WelfareRequestApprovals = "Welfare request approvals"; Resources.WelfareRequestCorrespondent = "Welfare request correspondent"; Resources.CancelResignationError = "CancelResignation : Bad request we can not find your resignation"; Resources.CancelResignationHasActionError = "CancelResignation : You can not cancel this resignation request, It has transaction please call system admin"; Resources.EmployeeWelfareManagment = "Employee Welfare Managment"; Resources.SequenceNumber = "Sequence Number"; Resources.SubCategoryExist = "Please this sub category name already exist"; Resources.ApprovalEmployeeExist = "Please approval employee already exist"; Resources.ApprovalSequenceExist = "Please approval employee sequence already exist"; Resources.SequenceExistForLineManagerOrProjectManager = "Please this Sequence is exist for line manager and project manager"; Resources.SequenceExistForLineManager = "Please this Sequence is exist for line manager"; Resources.SequenceExistForProjectManager = "Please this sequence is exist for project manager"; Resources.Chat = "Chat"; Resources.JustNow = "Just Now"; Resources.minute = "minute"; Resources.hour = "hour"; = "day"; Resources.week = "week"; Resources.month = "month"; Resources.year = "year"; Resources.s = "#"; Resources.ago = "ago"; Resources.PrivateChat = "Private Chat"; Resources.Home = "Home"; Resources.LastChatDate = "Last Chat Date"; Resources.UnReadMessages = "Un Read Messages"; Resources.SearchChatList = "Search by username or email..."; Resources.InvaidImageFile = "Upload Only Images"; Resources.Send = "Send"; Resources.InvalidMessage = "Invalid Message"; Resources.ChatAttachmentsPathRequired = "Attachment is Required"; Resources.RecentActivity = "Recent Activity"; Resources.PunchIn = "Punch In "; Resources.PunchOut = "Punch Out "; Resources.NoEmployeeFound = "No employee is found"; Resources.WrongDate = "Wrong Date"; Resources.ErrorLoadingPartial = "Error Loading html content"; Resources.To = "to"; Resources.Of = "of"; Resources.LastPunchInPunchOut = "Last PunchIn - PunchOut"; Resources.OverTime = "Overtime"; Resources.AtWork = "At Work"; Resources.OnTime = "On Time"; Resources.Deduction = "Deduction"; Resources.TodayPunchNotFound = "Today Punch not Found"; Resources.YesterdayPunchNotFound = "Yesterday Punch not Found"; Resources.Extrahours = " Extra hours"; Resources.AVGHoursPerDay = "AVG hours per day"; Resources.Members = "Members"; Resources.TeamNews = "Team News"; Resources.Joined = "Joined"; Resources.Birthday = "Birthday"; Resources.OnLeave = "On Leave"; Resources.OffBoarding = "Off Boarding"; Resources.NewsAndAnnouncements = "News and Announcements"; Resources.LatestNews = "Latest News"; Resources.LeaveAnnual = "Leave-Annual"; Resources.LeaveSick = "Leave-Sick"; Resources.IqamaExpiration = "Iqama Expiration"; Resources.PendingContracts = "Pending Contracts"; Resources.PassportExpiration = "Passport Expiration"; Resources.TravelRequests = "Travel Requests"; Resources.LegalDocuments = "Legal Documents"; Resources.TerminationLetters = "Termination Letters"; Resources.ApprovedTravelRequests = "Approved Travel Requests"; Resources.ExitRentries = "Exit Rentries"; Resources.defaultSMTPconfigurationNotFound = "Default SMTP configuration is Not Found";